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Misophonia Bibliography
References with “misophonia” in title, keywords, or abstract, published in English from 2001 onwards. Our own lab papers are shown first. Thank you for citing if you use this resource in your literature review.

Simner, J., Rinaldi, L.J. & Ward, J. (2023). Self-harm, suicidal ideation, and poorer well-being in people with misophonia. Psychiatry and Clinical Neursciences Reports, in press.

Rinaldi, L.J., & Simner, J. (2023). Mental Health Difficulties in Children who Develop Misophonia: An Examination of ADHD, Depression & Anxiety. Journal of Child Psychiatry & Human Development. doi 10.1007/s10578-023-01569-y

Dozier, T., & Mitchell, N. (2023). Novel five-phase model for understanding the nature of misophonia, a conditioned aversive reflex disorder. F1000Research, 12, 808.

Rinaldi, L.J., Simner, J., Koursarou, S. & Ward, J. (2022). Autistic traits, emotion regulation, and sensory sensitivities in children and adults with misophonia. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0162-3257

Rinaldi, L.J., Ward, J., & Simner, J. (2024). An Automated Online Assessment for Misophonia: The Sussex Misophonia Scale for Adults. Assessment, in press (click for preprint)

Simner, J, Koursarou, S, Rinaldi, L J and Ward, J (2021) Attention, flexibility, and imagery in misophonia: does attention exacerbate everyday disliking of sound? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 43 (10). pp. 1006-1017. ISSN 1380-3395

Rinaldi, L.J., Ward, J., & Simner, J. (2021). Well-being in Children with Misophonia: Evidence from the Sussex Misophonia Scale for Adolescents. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 808379.

Swedo, SE; Baguley, DM; Denys, D; Dixon, LJ; Erfanian, M; Fioretti, A; Jastreboff, PJ; Kumar, S; Rosenthal, MZ; Rouw, R; Schiller, D; Simner, J; Storch, EA; Taylor, S; Vander Werff, KR; Altimus, CM; Raver, SM. (2022). Consensus Definition of Misophonia: A Delphi Study. Frontiers In Neuroscience. 16, 841816, 10.3389/fnins.2022.841816 (click for paper - we will post an open access version shortly)

Cakiroglu, S; Cosgun, S; Gormez, V. (2022). The prevalence and severity of misophonia in the Turkish population and validation of the Amsterdam Misophonia Scale-Revised. Bulletin Of The Menninger Clinic. 86, (2), 159-18010.1521/bumc.2022.86.2.159

Dozier TH (2022). Case study of Relaxation and Counterconditioning Therapy for Misophonia: A Conditioned Aversive Reflex Disorder. Psychol. Thought, 15(1): 285–311.

Paunovic, KZ; Milenkovic, SM. (2022). The Proposed Criteria for High Perceived Misophonia in Young Healthy Adults and the Association Between Misophonia Symptoms and Noise Sensitivity. Noise & Health. 24, (113), 40-4810.4103/nah.nah_40_20

Cowan, EN; Marks, DR; Pinto, A. (2022). Misophonia: A psychological model and proposed treatment. Journal Of Obsessive-Compulsive And Related Disorders. 32, 100691, 10.1016/j.jocrd.2021.100691

Feuer, S; Levy, S; Walters, B. (2022). Examination of Existing Treatments for Individuals with Misophonia. Nursing Research. 71, (3), S2-S2

Pfeiffer, E; Altlroggen, M; Sachser, C. (2022). Misophonia in Childhood and Adolescence: A Narrative Review. Zeitschrift Fur Kinder-Und Jugendpsychiatrie Und Psychotherapie. 10.1024/1422-4917/a000885

Swonke, ML; Neve, L; Rossi, NA; McKinnon, B; Daram, S; Pine, HS. (2022). Misophonia: An Underrecognized Disease in Pediatric Patients. Ent-Ear Nose & Throat Journal. 1.45561E+15, 10.1177/01455613221095606

Remmert, N; Schmidt, KMB; Mussel, P; Hagel, ML; Eid, M. (2022). The Berlin Misophonia Questionnaire Revised (BMQ-R): Development and validation of a symptom-oriented diagnostical instrument for the measurement of misophonia. Plos One. 17, (6), e0269428, 10.1371/journal.pone.0269428

Brout, JJ. (2022). A Brief Commentary on the Consensus Definition of Misophonia. Frontiers In Neuroscience. 16, 879070, 10.3389/fnins.2022.879070

Williams, ZJ; Cascio, CJ; Woynaroski, TG. (2022). Psychometric validation of a brief self-report measure of misophonia symptoms and functional impairment: The duke-vanderbilt misophonia screening questionnaire. Frontiers In Psychology. 13, 897901, 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.897901

Hansen, HA; Stefancin, P; Leber, AB; Saygin, ZM. (2022). Neural evidence for non-orofacial triggers in mild misophonia. Frontiers In Neuroscience. 16, 880759, 10.3389/fnins.2022.880759

Wang, QC; Vitoratou, S; Uglik-Marucha, N; Gregory, J. (2022). Emotion Processes Predicting Outbursts and Functional Impact in Misophonia. Frontiers In Psychology. 13, 903142, 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.903142

Schwemmle, C; Arens, C. (2022). Ear rage: misophonia Review and current state of knowledge. Hno. 70, (1), 3-1310.1007/s00106-021-01072-7

Smith, EEA; Guzick, AG; Draper, IA; Clinger, J; Schneider, SC; Goodman, WK; Brout, JJ; Lijffijt, M; Storch, EA. (2022). Perceptions of various treatment approaches for adults and children with misophonia. Journal Of Affective Disorders. 316, 76-8210.1016/j.jad.2022.08.020

Cecilione, JL; Hitti, SA; Vrana, SR. (2022). Treating Adolescent Misophonia With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Considerations for Including Exposure. Clinical Case Studies. 21, (3), 175-1911.53465E+16, 10.1177/15346501211045707

Dibb, B; Golding, SE. (2022). A longitudinal investigation of quality of life and negative emotions in misophonia. Frontiers In Neuroscience. 16, 900474, 10.3389/fnins.2022.900474

Savard, MA; Sares, AG; Coffey, EBJ; Deroche, MLD. (2022). Specificity of Affective Responses in Misophonia Depends on Trigger Identification. Frontiers In Neuroscience. 16, 879583, 10.3389/fnins.2022.879583

Larsen, EA; Hovland, T; Nielsen, GE; Larsen, L. (2022). Preliminary validation of the Norwegian version of misophonia questionnaire (MQ-NOR). International Journal Of Audiology. 10.1080/14992027.2022.2111372

Norris, JE; Kimball, SH; Nemri, DC; Ethridge, LE. (2022). Toward a Multidimensional Understanding of Misophonia Using Cluster-Based Phenotyping. Frontiers In Neuroscience. 16, 832516, 10.3389/fnins.2022.832516

Neacsiu, AD; Szymkiewicz, V; Galla, JT; Li, BD; Kulkarni, Y; Spector, CW. (2022). The neurobiology of misophonia and implications for novel, neuroscience-driven interventions. Frontiers In Neuroscience. 16, 893903, 10.3389/fnins.2022.893903

Samermit, P; Young, M; Allen, AK; Trillo, H; Shankar, S; Klein, A; Kay, C; Mahzouni, G; Reddy, V; Hamilton, V; Davidenko, N. (2022). Development and Evaluation of a Sound-Swapped Video Database for Misophonia. Frontiers In Psychology. 13, 890829, 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.890829

Petersen, JM; Twohig, MP. (2022). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for a Child With Misophonia: A Case Study. Clinical Case Studies. 10.1177/15346501221126136

Guetta, RE; Cassiello-Robbins, C; Anand, D; Rosenthal, MZ. (2022). Development and psychometric exploration of a semi-structured clinical interview for Misophonia. Personality And Individual Differences. 187, 111416, 10.1016/j.paid.2021.111416

Banker, SM; Na, SJ; Beltran, J; Koenigsberg, HW; Foss-Feig, JH; Gu, XS; Schiller, D. (2022). Disrupted computations of social control in individuals with obsessive-compulsive and misophonia symptoms. Iscience. 25, (7), 104617, 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104617

Ferrer-Torres, A; Gimenez-Llort, L. (2022). Misophonia: A Systematic Review of Current and Future Trends in This Emerging Clinical Field. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health. 19, (11), 6790, 10.3390/ijerph19116790

Kaufman, AE; Weissman-Fogel, I; Rosenthal, MZ; Neeman, RK; Bar-Shalita, T. (2022). Opening a window into the riddle of misophonia, sensory over-responsiveness, and pain. Frontiers In Neuroscience. 16, 907585, 10.3389/fnins.2022.907585

Kenar, SG; Yuksel, H; Sendur, NK; Mungan, S. (2022). The Effect of Misophonia on the Severity of Depression and Anxiety in Multiple Sclerosis. Turkish Journal Of Neurology. 28, (1), 24-3010.4274/tnd.2022.93892

Guetta, RE; Cassiello-Robbins, C; Trumbull, J; Anand, D; Rosenthal, MZ. (2022). Examining emotional functioning in misophonia: The role of affective instability and difficulties with emotion regulation. Plos One. 17, (2), e0263230, 10.1371/journal.pone.0263230

Ward, RT; Gilbert, FE; Pouliot, J; Chiasson, P; McIlvanie, S; Traiser, C; Riels, K; Mears, R; Keil, A. (2022). The Relationship Between Self-Reported Misophonia Symptoms and Auditory Aversive Generalization Leaning: A Preliminary Report. Frontiers In Neuroscience. 16, 899476, 10.3389/fnins.2022.899476

Ghorbani, S; Ashouri, A; Gharraee, B; Farahani, H. (2022). Effectiveness of Online Group-mindfulness and Acceptance-based Therapy and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy on Misophonia. Iranian Journal Of Psychiatry And Behavioral Sciences. 16, (2), e120159, 10.5812/ijpbs-120159

Jager, I; Vulink, N; van Loon, A; van der Pol, M; Schroeder, A; Slaghekke, S; Denys, D. (2022). Synopsis and Qualitative Evaluation of a Treatment Protocol to Guide Systemic Group-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Misophonia. Frontiers In Psychiatry. 13, 794343, 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.794343

Vitoratou, S; Wang, JX; Hayes, C; Wang, QC; Stefanatou, P; Gregory, J. (2022). Evidence of Cross-Cultural Consistency of the S-Five Model for Misophonia: Psychometric Conclusions Emerging From the Mandarin Version. Frontiers In Psychology. 13, 879881, 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.879881

Aazh, H; Erfanian, M; Danesh, AA; Moore, BCJ. (2022). Audiological and Other Factors Predicting the Presence of Misophonia Symptoms Among a Clinical Population Seeking Help for Tinnitus and/or Hyperacusis. Frontiers In Neuroscience. 16, 900065, 10.3389/fnins.2022.900065

Eijsker, N; Schroder, A; Liebrand, LC; Smit, DJA; van Wingen, G; Denys, D. (2021). White matter abnormalities in misophonia. Neuroimage-Clinical. 32, 102787, 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102787

Enzler, F; Loriot, C; Fournier, P; Norena, AJ. (2021). A psychoacoustic test for misophonia assessment. Scientific Reports. 11, (1), 11044, 10.1038/s41598-021-90355-8

Lugg, W. (2021). Misophonia in pregnancy - a case report. Australasian Psychiatry. 29, (4), 472-47310.1177/1039856220986719

Kumar, S; Dheerendra, P; Erfanian, M; Benzaquen, E; Sedley, W; Gander, PE; Lad, M; Bamiou, DE; Griffiths, TD. (2021). The motor basis for misophonia. Journal Of Neuroscience. 41, (26), 26121, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0261-21.2021

Rabasco, A; McKay, D. (2021). Exposure Therapy for Misophonia: Concepts and Procedures. Journal Of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 35, (3), 156-16610.1891/JCPSY-D-20-00042

Eijsker, N; Schroder, A; Smit, DJA; van Wingen, G; Denys, D. (2021). Structural and functional brain abnormalities in misophonia. European Neuropsychopharmacology. 52, 62-7110.1016/j.euroneuro.2021.05.013

Vitoratou, S; Uglik-Marucha, N; Hayes, C; Erfanian, M; Pearson, O; Gregory, J. (2021). Item Response Theory Investigation of Misophonia Auditory Triggers. Audiology Research. 11, (4), 567-58110.3390/audiolres11040051

Naylor, J; Caimino, C; Scutt, P; Hoare, DJ; Baguley, DM. (2021). The Prevalence and Severity of Misophonia in a UK Undergraduate Medical Student Population and Validation of the Amsterdam Misophonia Scale. Psychiatric Quarterly. 92, (2), 609-61910.1007/s11126-020-09825-3

Sarigedik, E; Gulle, BT. (2021). A Study on Validation of Amsterdam Misophonia Scale in Turkish and Misophonia's Prevalence in Turkish High School/College Student Population. Psychiatry And Behavioral Sciences. 11, (4), 258-26610.5455/PBS.20210509040627

Hansen, HA; Leber, AB; Saygin, ZM. (2021). What sound sources trigger misophonia? Not just chewing and breathing. Journal Of Clinical Psychology. 77, (11), 2609-262510.1002/jclp.23196

Rosenthal, MZ; Anand, D; Cassiello-Robbins, C; Williams, ZJ; Guetta, RE; Trumbull, J; Kelley, LD. (2021). Development and Initial Validation of the Duke Misophonia Questionnaire. Frontiers In Psychology. 12, 709928, 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.709928

Jager, IJ; Vulink, NCC; Bergfeld, IO; Loon, AJJM; Denys, DAJP. (2021). Cognitive behavioral therapy for misophonia: A randomized clinical trial. Depression And Anxiety. 38, (7), 708-71810.1002/da.23127

Sarigedik, E; Yurteri, N. (2021). Misophonia Successfully Treated of With Fluoxetine: A Case Report. Clinical Neuropharmacology. 44, (5), 191-19210.1097/WNF.0000000000000465

Dibb, B; Golding, SE; Dozier, TH. (2021). The development and validation of the Misophonia response scale. Journal Of Psychosomatic Research. 149, 110587, 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2021.110587

Schadegg, MJ; Clark, HL; Dixon, LJ. (2021). Evaluating anxiety sensitivity as a moderator of misophonia and dimensions of aggression. Journal Of Obsessive-Compulsive And Related Disorders. 30, 100657, 10.1016/j.jocrd.2021.100657

Jager, I; Vulink, N; de Roos, C; Denys, D. (2021). EMDR therapy for misophonia: a pilot study of case series. European Journal Of Psychotraumatology. 12, (1), 1968613, 10.1080/20008198.2021.1968613

Kilic, C; Oz, G; Avanoglu, KB; Aksoy, S. (2021). The prevalence and characteristics of misophonia in Ankara, Turkey: population-based study. Bjpsych Open. 7, (5), e144, 10.1192/bjo.2021.978

Barahmand, U; Stalias-Mantzikos, ME; Rotlevi, E; Xiang, Y. (2021). Disgust and Emotion Dysregulation in Misophonia: a Case for Mental Contamination?. International Journal Of Mental Health And Addiction. 10.1007/s11469-021-00677-x

Haq, SS; Alresheed, F; Tu, JC. (2021). Behavioral Treatment of Problem Behavior for an Adult with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Misophonia. Journal Of Developmental And Physical Disabilities. 33, (6), 1005-101510.1007/s10882-020-09780-8

Cassiello-Robbins, C; Anand, D; McMahon, K; Brout, J; Kelley, L; Rosenthal, MZ. (2021). A Preliminary Investigation of the Association Between Misophonia and Symptoms of Psychopathology and Personality Disorders. Frontiers In Psychology. 11, 519681, 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.519681

Roushani, K; Honarmand, HM. (2021). The Effectiveness of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy on Anger in Female Students with Misophonia: A Single-Case Study. Iranian Journal Of Medical Sciences. 46, (1), 61-6710.30476/ijms.2019.82063

Ferrer-Torres, A; Gimenez-Llort, L. (2021). Confinement and the Hatred of Sound in Times of COVID-19: A Molotov Cocktail for People With Misophonia. Frontiers In Psychiatry. 12, 627044, 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.627044

Lewin, AB; Dickinson, S; Kudryk, K; Karlovich, AR; Harmon, SL; Phillips, DA; Tonarely, NA; Gruen, R; Small, B; Ehrenreich-May, J. (2021). Transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy for misophonia in youth: Methods for a clinical trial and four pilot cases. Journal Of Affective Disorders. 291, 400-40810.1016/j.jad.2021.04.027

Ferrer-Torres, A; Gimenez-Llort, L. (2021). Sounds of Silence in Times of COVID-19: Distress and Loss of Cardiac Coherence in People With Misophonia Caused by Real, Imagined or Evoked Triggering Sounds. Frontiers In Psychiatry. 12, 638949, 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.638949

Kiese-Himmel, C. (2020). Misophonia. Sprache-Stimme-Gehor. 44, (3), 126-12710.1055/a-1197-9751

Ezquerra, B; Esteban, M; Carpintero, A; Lopez, C; Sanchez, M; Mitjans, RD. (2020). Misophonia: considering a new mental disorder.. European Psychiatry. 63, S336-S337

Vanaja, CS; Abigail, MS. (2020). Misophonia: An Evidence-Based Case Report. American Journal Of Audiology. 29, (4), 685-69010.1044/2020_AJA-19-00111

Daniels, EC; Rodriguez, A; Zabelina, DL. (2020). Severity of misophonia symptoms is associated with worse cognitive control when exposed to misophonia trigger sounds. Plos One. 15, (1), e0227118, 10.1371/journal.pone.0227118

Eijsker, N; Schroder, A; Smit, DJA; van Wingen, G; Denys, D. (2020). Structural and Functional Brain Abnormalities in Misophonia. Biological Psychiatry. 87, (9), S225-S226

Jager, I; de Koning, P; Bost, T; Denys, D; Vulink, N. (2020). Misophonia: Phenomenology, comorbidity and demographics in a large sample. Plos One. 15, (4), e0231390, 10.1371/journal.pone.0231390

Natalini, E; Dimaggio, G; Varakliotis, T; Fioretti, A; Eibenstein, A. (2020). Misophonia, Maladaptive Schemas and Personality Disorders: A Report of Three Cases. Journal Of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 50, (1), 29-3510.1007/s10879-019-09438-3

Siepsiak, M; Sobczak, AM; Bohaterewicz, B; Cichocki, L; Dragan, WL. (2020). Prevalence of Misophonia and Correlates of Its Symptoms among Inpatients with Depression. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health. 17, (15), 5464, 10.3390/ijerph17155464

Siepsiak, M; Sliwerski, A; Dragan, WL. (2020). Development and Psychometric Properties of MisoQuest-A New Self-Report Questionnaire for Misophonia. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health. 17, (5), 1797, 10.3390/ijerph17051797

McGeoch, PD; Rouw, R. (2020). How everyday sounds can trigger strong emotions: ASMR, misophonia and the feeling of wellbeing. Bioessays. 42, (12), e2000099, 10.1002/bies.202000099

Cassiello-Robbins, C; Anand, D; McMahon, K; Guetta, R; Trumbull, J; Kelley, L; Rosenthal, MZ. (2020). The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation Within the Relationship Between Neuroticism and Misophonia: A Preliminary Investigation. Frontiers In Psychiatry. 11, 847, 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00847

Claiborn, J. M., Dozier, T. H., Hart, S. L., & Lee, J. (2020). Self-Identified Misophonia Phenomenology, Impact, and Clinical Correlates. Psychological Thought, 13(2).

Dozier, T. H., Grampp, L., & Lopez, M. (2020). Misophonia: Evidence for an elicited initial physical response. Universal Journal of Psychology 8(2): 27-35. doi: 10.13189/ujp.2020.080202

Schroder, A; van Wingen, G; Eijsker, N; San Giorgi, R; Vulink, NC; Turbyne, C; Denys, D. (2020). Misophonia is associated with altered brain activity in the auditory cortex and salience network (vol 9, 7542, 2019). Scientific Reports. 10, (1), 4066, 10.1038/s41598-020-59862-y

Antonia, FT; Gimenez-Llort, L. (2020). Association between psychological well-being and the degree of irritability caused by trigger sounds in adults with different levels of misophonia. European Psychiatry. 63, S700-S700

Antonia, FT; Gimenez-Llort, L. (2020). Association between the degree of irritability caused by trigger sounds and the presence of depression and anxiety in adults with different levels of misophonia. European Psychiatry. 63, S699-S700

Danesh, A., and Aazh, H. (2020). Misophonia: A Neurologic, Psychologic, and Audiologic Complex. Hear. J. 73, 20-23. doi: 10.1097/01.HJ.0000657984.74790.d5.

Frank, B., Roszyk, M., Hurley, L., Drejaj, L., McKay, D. (2020). Inattention in Misophonia: Difficulties Achieving and Maintaining Alertness. J. Clin. Exp. Neuropsychol. 42:1, 66–75. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2019.1666801.

Hansen, H., A., Leber, A., B., Saygin, Z.M. (2020). What Sound Sources Trigger Misophonia? Not Just Chewing and Breathing. PsyXriv [Preprint].

Jager IJ, Vulink NCC, Bergfeld IO, van Loon AJJM, Denys DAJP. (2020 Epub). Cognitive behavioral therapy for misophonia: A randomized clinical trial. Depress Anxiety. 2020 Dec 18. doi: 10.1002/da.23127. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33336858.

McKay, D., and Acevedo, B.P. (2020). "Clinical Characteristics of Misophonia and its Relation to Sensory Processing Sensitivity: A Critical Analysis," in The Highly Sensitive Brain. ed. B. Acevedo. (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier), 165–185. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818251-2.00007-2.

Natalini, E., Dimaggio, G., Varakliotis, T., Fioretti, A., Eibenstein, A. (2020). Misophonia, Maladaptive Schemas and Personality Disorders: A Report of Three Cases. J. Contemp. Psychother. 50, 29–35. doi: 10.1007/s10879-019-09438-3.

Naylor, J., Caimino, C., Scutt, P., Hoare, D.J., Baguley, D.M. (2020). The Prevalence and Severity of Misophonia in a UK Undergraduate Medical Student Population and Validation of the Amsterdam Misophonia Scale. Psychiatr. Q. doi: 10.1007/s11126-020-09825-3.

Vitoratou, S., Hayes, C., Uglik-Marucha, E., Gregory, J. (2020). Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome Scale (S-Five): A Psychometric Tool for Assessing misophonia. Summary on Three Waves of Sampling and Analysis. PsyArXiv [Preprint]. doi: 10.31234/

Wu, M.S., and Banneyer, K.N., 2020. “Chew on This: Considering Misophonia and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder,” in Advanced Casebook of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, ed. Storch, E.A., McKay, D., Abramoqitz, J.S. (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier), 1–19. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-816563-8.00001-2.

Aazh, H., Landgrebe, M., Danesh, A.A., Moore, B.C.J. (2019). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Alleviating the Distress Caused by Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Misophonia: Current Perspectives. Psychol. Res. Behav. Manag. 12, 991–1002. doi: 10.2147/PRBM.S179138.

da Silva, F.E., and Sanchez, T.G. (2019). Evaluation of selective attention in patients with misophonia. Braz. J. Otorhinolaryngol. 85, 303–309. doi: 10.1016/j.bjorl.2018.02.005.

Eijsker, N., Schröder, A., Smit, D.J.A., van Wingen, G., Denys, D. (2019). Neural Basis of Response Bias on the Stop Signal Task in Misophonia. Front. Psychiatry 10:765. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00765.

Erfanian, M., Kartsonaki, C., Keshavarz, A. (2019). Misophonia and Comorbid Psychiatric Symptoms: A Preliminary Study of Clinical Findings. Nord. J. Psychiatry. 73, 219–228. doi: 10.1080/08039488.2019.1609086.

Frank, B., & McKay, D. (2019). The Suitability of an Inhibitory Learning Approach in Exposure When Habituation Fails: A Clinical Application to Misophonia. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 26, 130–142.

Potgieter, I., MacDonald, C., Partridge, L., Cima, R., Sheldrake, J., Hoare, D.J. (2019). Misophonia: A Scoping Review of Research. J. Clin. Psychol. 75, 1203–1218. doi: 10.1002/jclp.22771.

Schröder, A, van Wingen, G., Eijsker, N., San Giorgi, R., Vulink, N.C., Turbyne, C., Denys, D. (2019). Misophonia is Associated with Altered Brain Activity in the Auditory Cortex and Salience Network. Sci. Rep. 9: 7542. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-44084-8.

Siepsiak, M., and Dragan, W. (2019). Misophonia –A Review of Research Results and Theoretical Conceptions. Psychiatr. Pol. 53, 447–458. doi: 10.12740/PP/92023.

Brout, J.J., Edelstein, M., Erfanian, M., Mannino, M., Miller, L.J., Rouw, R., Kumar, S., Rosenthal, M.Z. (2018). Investigating Misophonia: A Review of the Empirical Literature, Clinical Implications, and a Research Agenda. Front. Neurosci. 12:36. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00036.

Cusack, S.E., Cash, T.V., Vrana, S.R. (2018). An Examination of the Relationship Between Misophonia, Anxiety Sensitivity, and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms. J. Obsessive-Compuls. Relat. Disord. 18, 67–72. doi: 10.1016/j.jocrd.2018.06.004.

Janik McErlean, A.B., and Banissy, M.J. (2018). Increased Misophonia in Self-Reported Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. PeerJ. 6:e5351. doi: 10.7717/peerj.5351.

McKay, D., Kim, S.-K., Mancusi, L., Storch, E.A., Spankovich, C. (2018). Profile Analysis of Psychological Symptoms Associated with Misophonia: A Community Sample. Behav. Ther. 49, 286–294. doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2017.07.002.

Palumbo, D.B., Alsalman, O., De Ridder, D., Song, J.-J., Vanneste, S. (2018). Misophonia and Potential Underlying Mechanisms: A Perspective. Front. Psychol. 9:953. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00953.

Quek, T., Ho, C., Choo, C., Nguyen, L., Tran, B., Ho, R. (2018). Misophonia in Singaporean Psychiatric Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public. Health 15:1410. doi:

Rouw, R., and Erfanian, M. (2018). A Large-Scale Study of Misophonia. J. Clin. Psychol. 74, 453–479. doi: 10.1002/jclp.22500.

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